Flora, Fauna & Biodiversity Surveys
Flora, Fauna & Biodiversity Surveys
JWA Pty Ltd has extensive experience in the completion of flora and fauna surveys in a wide range of vegetation types and ecosystems.
For flora surveys we use:
- the latest aerial photography to map community types,
- stereoscopic photography,
- ground truthing of existing vegetation maps,
- random and quadrat surveys for flora species, and
- targeted threatened species searches.
For fauna surveys we use:
- opportunistic and systematic daytime surveys for mammals, birds and reptiles,
- spotlighting and call playback for nocturnal birds and mammals,
- targeted surveys for threatened fauna species,
- spotlighting and auditory surveys for amphibians,
- trapping for small mammals (both arboreal and terrestrial),
- ANABAT (an electronic call-detecting device) to survey for Microchiropteran bats, and
- Pitfall surveys.