Impact Assessments
Impact Assessments
Impact assessment techniques involve:
- mapping flora, significant plant communities and threatened plant species,
- fauna surveys and habitat assessment,
- calculating the loss of vegetation (i.e. community types), threatened flora and fauna and their habitat,
- consideration of direct and indirect impacts, and
- consideration of Local, State and Commonwealth legislation.
JWA Pty Ltd provides advice on Commonwealth and State environmental and planning legislation including the:
- Commonwealth Environment Protection & Biodiversity Conservation Act (1999)
- QLD Sustainable Planning Act (2009)
- QLD Nature Conservation (Wildlife) Regulation (2006)
- QLD Vegetation Management Act (1999)
- QLD Nature Conservation Act (1992)
- NSW Native Vegetation Conservation Act (2003)
- NSW Threatened Species Conservation Act (1995)
- NSW Environmental Planning & Assessment Act (1979)
- NSW State Environmental Planning Policy (SEPPs)
We undertake Assessments of Significance (7-part tests) and complete Species Impact Statements (TSC Act 1995), Koala Assessments (SEPP 44) and assessments for matters of National Environmental Significance (NES) (EPBC Act 1999) to accompany development applications. We understand the unique challenges development poses within the native environment, so we can provide advice on mitigating impacts in order to produce a sustainable outcome.